Save Time By Creating Email Signature Templates
Save Time By Using Email “Signature Templates” For Branding Emailing is one of the most common means of communicating today. Whether it is for communicating with potential/current clients, suppliers and partners or between work associates, the use of emails in the business world is firmly entrenched. For a large organization …
Continue ReadingThe Right Way to Create Branded Email Signatures
by Heidi Springstube At Brand My Message, we make a very unique, branded eStationery product called Brand My Email. We put You, Your Company, and Your Website, into your email, making it interactive for Your customers! Essentially, it’s a mini-marketing campaign bundled up nicely into your email! We are the …
Continue ReadingWhy You Need a Photo in Your Email Signature
by Heidi Springstube Did you ever have a pen pal? Not a friend you met online, but a legitimate pen pal you wrote letters to? Most likely, you remember a pen pal as someone you picked out of a hat in school. You wrote letters to this random stranger and …
Continue ReadingIt’s Time To Regain Control of Your Email Branding
We understand not every company has the budget to produce commercials, therefore it is vital to take advantage of every branding opportunity you can. One of the most overlooked areas is email. An email signature is a huge aspect of your company’s identity. It remains the most popular form of …
Continue ReadingUse your Email to Highlight your Business and Help Customers!
by Heidi Springstube If you are reading this, you might possibly be a business owner, maybe someone in sales or marketing, or you could just be looking for some guidance with your advertising and email branding. If I’m correct, keep reading for some valuable information! First, a few questions for …
Continue Reading4 Old School Sales Tips You Should Ignore
by Mike Fowler When you first started at your agency, there was undoubtedly an onslaught of advice thrown at you on how to succeed at your job. Some of this advice may have made a lot of sense. Other advice may have made you envision yourself sitting in a …
Continue ReadingKeeping up with Technology using Email Branding
by Heidi Springstube The year is 2016. People have become detached from society and scramble to their cellphones, tablets, and other devices in fear they will miss something by unplugging. We live in a society where everyone is utterly dependent on their mobile devices, and why shouldn’t they be? The …
Continue ReadingYou Need Email Branding Right Now… and Here’s Why
By Heidi Springstube 02/18/2016 I’m going to start this off with a simple question: Does everyone who has an email experience with you visit your website first? If you said no, you are correct! Many professionals are contacted through an email from a new customer. They may have heard about …
Continue ReadingWhat is Email Branding?
by Heidi Springstube 03/31/2016 While reaching out in conversations, I occasionally get the opportunity to talk to our customers and/or friends and family about email branding. When I recently spoke to a potential customer she fired back at me, “What the heck is email branding?” I was taken aback by …
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