3 Email Signature Tips to Protect Your Insurance Brand
From initial contact through years of service, people need to feel confident in their choice of insurance carrier and agent.
Positive brand recognition across all written communications is critical to creating, building and maintaining confidence and lasting relationships.
As the emails you send affect how you are perceived by potential and existing clients, any inconsistency on your part, such as a poorly crafted or underutilized professional email signatures, can cast your email branding in a negative light by making you appear inefficient and disorganized.
The professional signatures is one of the most ignored areas when it comes to email branding. Too often, agents fail to match it to corporate materials, other agent communications, or even industry-wide professional expectations.
How can you protect your brand by improving your signature? Finish your emails with a professional email signature that creates a consistent, positive, memorable image in each and every recipient’s mind:
1. Match Design Elements
Although agents successfully boost brand recognition and spread their message by distributing matching stationery, business cards, direct mailers and advertisements, many undermine personal and corporate-wide branding efforts by sending emails that fail to match in style or tone.
A key way to protect your brand is by utilizing matching professional email signature text elements and contact information formatting; as well as an identical color scheme and logo.
2. Make a Personal Statement
In a highly competitive industry, it is all too easy for clients to reconsider their choice in agent because of a single detail. Separate yourself from the competition by adding an up-to-date, portrait-style photo to your email.
A photo helps email recipients put a face to a name. It also subconsciously connects clients with pleasant experiences they had with you in the past. As a result, a photo repeatedly reinforces feelings of trust and reminds them of the reasons you are their agent instead of someone else.
3. Link to Social Media
In today’s market, your competitors are also making sure that email recipients can instantly connect with them in a variety of ways so clients feel confident that they are approachable outside of sales and emergency calls. Protect your brand by adding links for your active, professional social media accounts to your professional email signature so recipients are always aware that the opportunity to tap your expertise, or discuss emailed topics they find valuable or interesting, is just one click away.
These may seem like little things, but they can have profound effects. Take a fresh look at your email signature to improve your brand and communications.