One of the Best Parts of my Business Day Occurs After 5PM
I help answer the phones and emails after the Sales and the Design Center Support teams have left for the day. Each call or email is different. Most of the time, our customers are responding to correspondence from our efficient post-sales and production team. Each customer order is custom made, …
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3 Email Signature Tips to Protect Your Insurance Brand
From initial contact through years of service, people need to feel confident in their choice of insurance carrier and agent. Positive brand recognition across all written communications is critical to creating, building and maintaining confidence and lasting relationships. As the emails you send affect how you are perceived by potential …
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You Need Email Branding Right Now… and Here’s Why
By Heidi Springstube 02/18/2016 I’m going to start this off with a simple question: Does everyone who has an email experience with you visit your website first? If you said no, you are correct! Many professionals are contacted through an email from a new customer. They may have heard about …
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What is Email Branding?
by Heidi Springstube 03/31/2016 While reaching out in conversations, I occasionally get the opportunity to talk to our customers and/or friends and family about email branding. When I recently spoke to a potential customer she fired back at me, “What the heck is email branding?” I was taken aback by …
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Consumer Opinions Matter – The Social Proof Era
By Heidi Springstube 06/28/16 A Product Purchasing Journey Let me start out by taking you through a scenario. Imagine you are a photographer and you need a new camera. The one you are currently using is fine, but hey it’s time for an upgrade. You aren’t exactly sure which …
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Marketing… Put Your Hard Earned Money to Good Use
by Heidi Springstube Why are you wasting money on a billboard, hoping someone glances at it? Why are you putting money into direct-mail cards when all they do is help start that summer campfire? Do you have email? I’m willing to bet you do! According to statistics taken in 2014, …
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