One of the Best Parts of my Business Day Occurs After 5PM
I help answer the phones and emails after the Sales and the Design Center Support teams have left for the day. Each call or email is different. Most of the time, our customers are responding to correspondence from our efficient post-sales and production team. Each customer order is custom made, …
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The Top Elements You Need to Make a Winning Email Signature
Think outside of the “old, last century” box by not limiting your email signature to a lines of text at the bottom of your email message. An email signature should be an extension of your carefully crafted sales and marketing image of you and your business. It’s important to add …
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Email Branding Isn’t Just For Big Corporations Anymore
Every business uses emails for communication both within the organization and with customers. Who doesn’t follow up on email these days? We all know that email is the most efficient way to keep in touch with existing customers. Email also helps us with lead generation, something every business, however big …
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How a Branded Email Signature Design Creates Client Loyalty
As a marketing manager or owner of a leading brand, you know just how important client loyalty is! Which is why you can benefit from a marketing tool (like a custom email signature design) that strengthens your brand. Whether you are managing a handful of regional agents for your business, …
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3 Essentials to Create a Powerful Corporate Email Signature
The perfect email signature (also known as a sig line) is the gateway to cost-effective, authentic marketing. Not only does it save you costs with every click but they allow you to confidently pass the message across, touching the hearts of customers as well as prospects now and again without …
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Question: What’s the Best Email Signature for Insurance Agents?
As an insurance agent, you’ve probably put a lot of thought into your agency’s signage, advertising, and other marketing tools. But you may have not put much effort into your email signature – a vital marketing tool you utilize multiple times a day. The best email signature has the following …
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How To Set Up A First-Class Email Signature Layout
Having a signature layout for your organizational emails is a very useful means of branding and gaining impressions, but it needs a little thought before you can safely say it will have the desired effects. By having an email signature layout that is standardized across your business, you can make …
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The Right Way to Create Branded Email Signatures
by Heidi Springstube At Brand My Message, we make a very unique, branded eStationery product called Brand My Email. We put You, Your Company, and Your Website, into your email, making it interactive for Your customers! Essentially, it’s a mini-marketing campaign bundled up nicely into your email! We are the …
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6 Essential Elements for Perfecting your Email Signature
by Heidi Springstube Your email signature is an extension of a handshake. It’s a “how do you do” of sorts. Many people see your signature for the first time in an email and that is the first impression you are giving them of you and your company. You are telling …
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The WORST Signatures I’ve Ever Seen, Don’t Let Yours be One
by Heidi Springstube Let me start by telling you that we are in a business that deals with, creates, and turns around email signatures on a daily basis….so we have the experience for guidance. I work in our Design Center where I customize everything! I take your signature line for …
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