How To Set Up A First-Class Email Signature Layout
Having a signature layout for your organizational emails is a very useful means of branding and gaining impressions, but it needs a little thought before you can safely say it will have the desired effects.
By having an email signature layout that is standardized across your business, you can make sure that your employees are all presenting their information in the same way, which helps your customers identify your organization at a glance and find information they need easily, especially contact details.
This standard layout is especially useful for businesses who may have a very wide and diverse array of affiliated agents, such as an insurance or real estate company.
A First-Class Layout
One of the foremost purposes of your layout is to give an impression of professionalism. A clean, clearly laid out signature is vital to this, so keep in mind some of the following ideas when thinking about your email signature layout:
- A matching banner and footer, ideally matching your company colors. You can place information within these and they help to create boundaries on the screen.
- A photograph of the sender, under which should be their name and position or title. This helps greatly in personalizing the communications with customers.
- A written first name signature is another good inclusion, helping to convey the right amount of both professionalism and respect to the customer. This also adds a little personal touch.
- All relevant contact numbers should be included, from the personal number of the sender who is using a given account, up to the company’s various telephone lines and fax numbers. You never want to have a customer struggling to find your contact information.
- Buttons to connect to your social media pages are an essential way of interacting with customers. Make sure your accounts such as Facebook and Twitter are regularly updated to keep people abreast of company news, special deals where relevant, new products, and to generally keep your brand name in people’s minds.
- By making these features universal across all emails from all staff, you can create an email identity that is both easy to notice and convenient in every way.
None of the features are particularly difficult to implement, but given the importance of a professional email signature layout, it’s prudent to spend some time fine tuning it to be perfect for your business.