Keeping up with Technology using Email Branding
by Heidi Springstube
The year is 2016. People have become detached from society and scramble to their cellphones, tablets, and other devices in fear they will miss something by unplugging. We live in a society where everyone is utterly dependent on their mobile devices, and why shouldn’t they be? The current smart phones have a whole list of features. They entertain, educate and inform, remember things for you such as dates and phone numbers, it notifies you when needed, it gives you the current temperature and navigates! They can tell you the latest sports numbers, polls, stocks and anything else you’d possibly need to know, 24/7! Everything you could possibly want is thrust into the palm of your hand for what reason… convenience. A quick run to the office to fax something, has turned into something that is done with the push of a send button on a phone. A board room conference call, can be done from multiple locations around the world via cell phone! Everyday there is a new app or a new phone promoting bigger and better things and it has become a common standard. There is always going to be “the next best thing” coming out every year, people depend on it.
The next best thing… is already here. What if I could tell you, you could essentially put all of your contact information, into one email? One email that wouldn’t look overly cluttered or crammed full of chaos in an abyss of linked text. Only necessary, pertinent information in an organized beautiful fashion, used to reflect your business, your team, and you. Now what if I told you, you could use these emails on everything you send to your customers and prospects. You can show off what you and your company is all about, while adding the personal touch of your message into the body area, effortlessly?
Our company, Brand My Email truly strives to be the best in our industry. We hand make all of our products, here in the good ole United States of America. We carefully brand your business into customized made-to-order email signatures we call eStationery and eSignatures. All fully tailored to your likes, website, personal preferences, social media, and anything else you’d like to include, we work to help your business shine!
It all sounds pretty good right?
A typical customer will open an email on their computer and see your beautifully branded email. Now what if I also told you when your customers open their email on their mobile phones, anything you send to them will also have your branded messages on their devices? Right at their fingertips for convenience, they can see and access map links to find your office and phone numbers to call you. They click a button and up pops a map and navigation to guide them. We can load the email up with graphic links or icons to point them to your social media page(s) or videos. Need a few reviews? We’ll point them there too, or to your website as well. Address… not a problem. Let’s show them what you look like and add a picture for good measure, or a logo!
Many people have never heard of email branding, and I’m here to shine a light on it. We’re here to make you aware of the simplicity our product brings to you, for a low price that is worth every dime spent. I’m only telling you about one branch of our company as it’s a gateway product for most of our clients. Many people start by looking into our email branding products, then they see the potential behind our other products and the impact it can have on your agency or business. If you can save a little bit of time by sending a quick email that already has info in it, why wouldn’t you? Market to your customers with the click of a send button, today, and let us help!
Should you want to speak to one of our Branding Solutions Representatives call 888.736.0165 or use our contact us form here, today!